10 daily tips to take your gratitude to the next level 😍
Because gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
August 19 2021
Living with Faith
- Wake up and thank God for waking you up to face the opportunities of another beautiful day. You are alive. It’s a new day and it’s filled with endless opportunities.
- Practice 5 minutes of meditation. Close your eyes and take deep inhalations and exhalations. Try to quiet your mind and focus on your breath.
- Start a gratitude journal and write down 10 things you are thankful for daily. This will really allow you to focus on the (sometimes) small things we often take for granted.
- Tell someone close to you that you love them and that you are thankful they have chosen to share their lives with you. Give your children a cuddle, call a friend to say thank you for always being there. Smile at a stranger. Appreciate the people that shape your life, however big or small a part they play in your life.
- Give yourself a new daily affirmation. A few of our favourites: ‘Everything always works out for me’, ‘I am enough’, ‘God is faithful to His word’, ‘My soulmate is around the corner waiting for me’.
- Be mindful of your thoughts. When you find yourself drifting into a negative mind space, stop and take a moment. Ask yourself what are the positives that can come out of that very thought.
- Be mindful of your words. Set a goal to talk positively. Try not to gossip or speak negatively about yourself or other people.
- Watch or listen or read inspiring material. At the moment the team at Veemance are listening to the Joel Osteen Podcast - and it’s free on Spotify.
- Live in the now. The past has gone and the future is tomorrow so focus on living in the moment.
- Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are wonderfully and perfectly made in the image of God and no matter what, He loves you. How good is that?
Stay safe and blessed Australia